Foot To Soul

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Welcome to Foot to Soul by Barbara Hummel

Please take a seat for the introduction of this webpage and its link to feet and soul, or skip straight to what you were looking for

  • For individual remote or face to face rehabilitation in Inverness and Carrbridge please skip to page 2 here .

  • For details about Metamorphosis, sessions in this light touch and instructions to self application as well as Reflextherapy and other foot related treatments please skip to page 3 here .

  • For regularly updated workshop news for Inverness/Highland/Scotland and Munich/Germany in Metamorphosis or 'Finding your Feet', Circle and Sacred Dance and Yoga , as well as remote video workshops streamed from Scotland please skip to page 4 here .

  • Health Promotion for the Highland Region and Ergonomic Services are on page 5 here here.

  • The regular Metamorphosis exchange group and the regular Carrbridge yoga class will be announced on the sidebar once the Scotland wide restrictions for meetings have been eased sufficiently again, also check out page 4 here.

    Or go slower from where you are now, if you have the time...Scotland is beautiful

    Wherever your feet are right now, this is usually where you are - and this is the start of your unique journey.
    Your feet may give you trouble or joy, but they almost always will take you to new places, and allow you to move in your unique direction through life, to adventures, to work, to other people, often silently promoting your self-development, personal growth and change. They link us with our planet and gravity, and they can dance..

    Often, we just become aware of our feet when they hurt or are injured, as we usually take them for granted. Maybe then they need rehabilitation or other methods to promote their health.

    Starting at the base of your physical body, the feet, this webpage is firstly dedicated to holistic physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation available in the Scottish Highlands by a qualified health professional with the background in science, but also to other work on the feet and body through natural therapies and various health promotion workshops to assist your self-development, self-help and self-direction through times of challenge and change. Hopefully reaching and enriching your soul.

    Through her own path in life, and also her long standing experience in the field of physiotherapy, Barbara has formed her unique approach of Holistic Physiotherapy - available in Inverness, but also in the Highland village of Carrbridge. Her approach is often hands-on but she will usually try to guide you eventually to self-help and self-develoment, to prepare you for your own times of change and success. Health promotion has always been one of Barbara's keen interests.

    Recent insights and trends through the COVID-19 pandemic and its enforced time of change has made it even more obvious that health professionals should assess a client's need in a holistic way. It is vital to adopt new ways how to deliver the usually hands-on clinical care effectively through other ways. Luckily, technology can help here. And patients in need can access advice, assessment and sound treatment protocols including effective active rehabilitation without the need for travel or other risks. Fast intervention can be important in avoiding dependency of pain medication. Accessing help and resources has always been a challenge for the people living in the Scottish Highlands, but maybe also let them trust in self-help.

    Barbara has responded like many other health professionals to this need of support by offering telehealth appointments, which can be conducted to assess each individual holistically by a detailed telephone or video-link consultation. This can happen equally for Inverness, but also throughout the wider Highlands and further afield. She is currently also considering teaching some workshops and assessing ergonomic issues remotely.

    These times of change seem to point us all in the direction of supporting each other, but also in supporting our own self-development.
    New ways may thus lead to an improved rehabilitation service for people living in remoter areas or with difficulties travelling to appointments.

    In many ancient cultures, and now also in our Western world with increasing awareness for holistic health our feet are seen as a mirror for our health, strength and soul. Therefore many complementary treatment therapies have evolved working with someone's feet. Not just holistic health professionals, but also main stream healthcare knows how important the health of our feet is for our wellbeing.

    And many of us have already noticed during the past months in lockdown, that using our feet more can be an efficient way of boosting not just our physical health, but also staying grounded and feeling the benefit emotionally and mentally. The hour of outdoor exercise, even just as a simple walking practice, is Holistic Healthcare at its best, and currently Inverness and the Highlands are a blessed place for your feet to be. And we have all realised that promoting health seems easier than treating disease.

  • Home. orange butterfly

    Let life guide you from who you are right now to what you can be

    ....and already are in potential


    Most of Barbara's patients and clients are having their intervention paid through their employer or through intermediary agencies, but should you have to self-fund here are the private rates:
    Physiotherapy: First appointment: (45-60) minutes £48.-
    Follow-Up of the same condition (30-45 minutes) £40.-; return of a known private patient with new condition (45 mins) £45;
    Short assessments and short treatment courses (max 25 mins) £25.-
    Metamorphosis and Reflextherapy: (45-75 mins): £40-£50 by agreement - treatment blocs are offered at discounted price
    Concessions are available for people on lower income or students and pensioners - please ask.
    Any additional admin time for letters and reports will be billed with an hourly rate of £60 or a part of it.
    For prices on courses and workshops, please refer to the relevant other pages of this webpage.

    Barbara can accept payment in cash, cheque or per invoice (BACS payments), but no card payment.
    Please make payment to Bumble-Bee's Physio (her registered business name).

    for free Health Promotion PDF downloads and advice sheets, please see to the sidebar or when using a mobile phone please scroll down

    Please bear with me whilst I gradually rewrite and redesign this webpage, you can always text or e-mail me with your request.

    Often living life becomes more important than spending time at the computer. My own health promotion is important, too :)

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